Sunday, March 25, 2007


Islam: Setting the United States up for the fall
Author: Randy Taylor
Source: Northeast Intelligence Network

"Islamic organizations are carefully orchestrating lawsuits, marches, large propaganda campaigns all across the nation. Islamic schools and mosques are being built in record numbers across the nation with Saudi oil money...Islam is on the march. The submission of the great country of the United States to Islam has begun just as planned. Just as we were warned by Osama bin Laden, Islam is using Americas own laws and freedoms to destroy us." So says Randy Taylor in this riveting must-read.


Read the whole thing...

Pertinent Links:

1) Islam: Setting the United States up for the fall

1 comment:

Dag said...

Greetings Kafir,

I got your site by chance while reading a piece by Mark Styne, the screen suddenly going funny, and your blog appearing.

Since I'm here, please feel free to stop by a shared site I write at; and if you would, please come by on Thursday to look in at what we do regarding public meetings regarding Islam and dhimmitude. wee've been at it for over a year in Vancouveer, Canada. Other concerned people meet as well in other locations. Stop by and say hello, see if you might like to do what we do in your own neighbourhood.

Happy chance having meet you.

Regards, Dag.