Wednesday, March 21, 2007


Multiculturalism and Islam: suicide of the West and women’s rights
by Samir Khalil Samir

So-called “dialogue with the Islamic world” and juridical relativism on marriage and polygamy play havoc with the dignity of women and equality between sexes. The Koran: it’s o.k. to beat women.

The ideology of multiculturalism, i.e. blind tolerance toward any culture and tradition, is destroying European identity and is above all doing away with human rights and, more specifically, women’s rights. A prime example is the increasing tolerance in European countries toward polygamy.

In theory, polygamy is prohibited in Italy and in Europe. But it increasingly happens, in the name of multiculturalism, that Muslim immigrants are registered as polygamists in the European continent: if a man is Muslim and married in his country of origin with 4 wives, we cannot but accept this as a given. All this goes against European laws and constitutions – which affirm monogamous families – but, in the name of a misplaced respect for cultures, any solution is deemed acceptable.


The Imam’s interview

Here are a few extracts of the (famous) interview with Sheikh Abdelkader on the male-female relationship.

In your opinion, are women equal to men?

No. For example, women do not have the right to work
alongside men, as they [women] could be tempted by adultery.

Must women necessarily be subjugated to men?

Yes, because the head of the family is always a man. But he
must be fair to his wife: he must not beat her for no reason, nor consider her a

Is this why you are favourable to polygamy?

Yes, a Muslim can have more than one wife. But not more
than four! Plus, there are conditions.

But why can women not have more than one husband?

Because no one would know who fathered the children!

Are you in favour of the stoning [1] of women?

Yes, because beating one’s wife is allowed by the Koran, but
under certain conditions, in particular if she betrays her husband.

Please note however: the man does not have the right to beat her everywhere: not on the face, but in the lower parts, her legs, her stomach, her bottom. He can
beat her vigorously so as to induce fear, so that she does not start



Is it possible to accept this teaching in the name of the respect for cultures and religious tolerance? This is the serious question faced by all Western countries.

I don’t know if the flag-wavers of multiculturalism realize how much human damage they cause. Actually, it is increasingly clear that so-called multicultural tolerance is only acquiescence to a subtle form of racism. In the name of cultural difference, in fact, everything is left to proceed on parallel tracks, without envisaging any progress, integration or betterment in the name of human dignity.

It is time for Europe to understand that religious law cannot prevail over civil law and that, above every form of tolerance, there is a country’s constitution. If this does not happen, Islam will be given carte blanche to colonize our customs.


[1] The imam, who had lived in France for 24 years, did not understand the word “stoning”, which he understood to mean “beating”. Hence, his reply.

Pertinent Links:

1) Multiculturalism and Islam: suicide of the West and women’s rights

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