Tuesday, July 10, 2007


We Just Don’t Get It!
By Bernard Kerik

Two vehicles loaded with fuel, propane tanks and nails, much like the vehicle-born IEDs in Iraq today, are found in London’s Piccadilly Circus, our equivalent to Times Square. Then two Islamic radicals slam a car loaded with the same into the Glasgow Airport in Scotland, while the US Department of Homeland Security reports that the Al-Qaeda chatter indicates their desire to commit an act of terror against the West that is a “spectacular event”, much like the September 11th attacks, only worse. The investigation in the UK has moved quickly and has resulted so far in eight arrests, one in Australia, and most of them appear to be Muslim medical doctors.

In the last several days, the press and media, but more so the general public, appear to be shocked by the recent events and the “spectacular” chatter. Many political leaders have expressed shock that most of the participants arrested in the UK terror plot were educated doctors.

What I don’t understand and what concerns me is…why the shock and disbelief?


Pertinent Links:

1) We Just Don’t Get It!

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